Sümpoosioni kõrval korraldati 14. VII klaasimaali päev lastele, Rait Prääts avas isikunäituse "Klaasist majad" Viie Risti galeriis, bulgaarlased Lachezar Dochev ja Ventseslav Danev esinesid paarisnäitusega kultuurikeskuses, leedulane Remigius Kriukas esitas klaasist paberipresse Kuke galeriis, Erki ja Merle Kannus seadsid interaktiivse heliinstallatsiooni "Ood reisijatele" raudteejaama perroonile STILISTIKA DISKURSA KAO KONTEKSTUALIZIRANA STILISTIKA KatniÄ-BakarÅ¡iÄ, Marina Rad posmatra diskursnu stilistiku kao kontekstualiziranu disciplinu, pri Äemu kontekst podrazumijeva razliÄite faktore (sociohistorijske, kognitivne, kulturalne i intertekstualne). U radu se prouÄavaju najznaÄajniji pristupi diskursnoj stilistici: prag, atiÄka stilistika, konverzacijska i/ ili diskurs analiza, kognitivna stilistika, kritiÄka stilistika, feministiÄka stilistika.
Assuming that reality can only be understood if considered in its multiple dimensions, the innovative use of technology applied to education, and more specifically, distance education, should be referenced in a philosophy of learning that provides the opportunity of interaction and knowledge construction. Valge klaasi päevad Haapsalus / Merle Kannus Kannus, Merle III rahvusvaheline kuuma klaasi sümpoosion 16. VII ja näitus kuni 14. VIII Evald Okase muuseumis.
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The road leading to the east crossed the Nišava by a stone bridge, whose remains were visible not far from today's 'Benetton' factory. The road led further over 'Gabrovac land', intersected with streams over which the remains of three stone bridges from the Roman period were found. This route led to Mediana, a suburb with villas three miles distant from the city.
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Granice teritorijalnog mora u nacionalnim propisima i praksi obalnih država Sredozemlja 2009-08-01 Full Text Available U radu se razmatra primjena pravila Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora iz 1982. o vanjskoj granici, Å¡irini i razgraniÄenju teritorijalnog mora u nacionalnim propisima i praksi obalnih država Sredozemlja. Posebna pozornost posveÄena je pitanjima vezanim uz proÅ¡irenje granica suverenosti GrÄke i Turske u Egejskome moru, Äija su teritorijalna mora joÅ¡ uvijek Å¡iroka Å¡est milja.
IV-6. V, performance'ite esitlusest Tel Avivi kaasaegse kunsti keskuses (CCAs) 4. V. Organiseerijad: performance'i-kunstnikud BBB Johannes Deimling ja Angelika Fojtuch. Osalesid Signe-Fideelia Roots ja Katrin Tees Eestist, Dinoys Damman Šveitsist ja Mara Maglione Itaaliast. Muljeid Iisraelist, sealsest kunstielust Iisrael osaleb siiski Rootsi genotsiidikonverentsil / Anu Kaupmees Kaupmees, Anu Genotsiidi ja etnilise puhastuse vältimisele pühendatud konverentsi toimumisest Stockholmis. Iisraeli suursaadik Rootsis Zvi Mazel kritiseeris kunstinäitusel taiest, nimetades teost enesetaputerrorismi ülistavaks Preventive Effects of Velvet Antler (Cervus elaphus against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice by Inhibiting MAPK/NF-κB Activation and Inducing AMPK/Nrf2 Pathways Jui-Shu Chang Full Text Available Velvet antler (Cervus elaphus is a typical traditional animal medicine.
17 f. erklärt das Wort für vollkommen dunkel. Die uriran. Form *ava-maiti- (Hübschmann kann nicht auf eine Zusammensetzung mit *mn-ti- »Denken, Gedanke« = ai. mati-Å¡, aw. -maitiÅ¡ zurückgehen, da eine i-Epenthese hier völlig unmöglich wäre. Man muà *-mai-ti- analysieren, es ergibt sich also eine Wurzel *mai-, idg. entweder mei dann Vollstufe in dem /i-Abstraktum wie in ai. man-ti- »Denken«, got. ana-minds »Verdacht« â oder eventuell *mÄi-. President Ilves avas Pärnus voodivabriku / Kalev Vilgats Vilgats, Kalev President Toomas Hendrik Ilves viibis 16.
The road led from Naissus to the East, along the right bank of the NiÅ¡ava (across the areas of Jagodin mala and Vrežina and, at the modern village of MalÄa, it turned towards the North, following the route of Rekrutacija teroristov v teroristiÄni organizaciji Islamska država Avdylaj, Arber Terorizem je v vseh svojih pojavnih oblikah ena najhujÅ¡ih groženj globalnemu miru in varnosti, saj teroristiÄna dejanja resno Å¡kodujejo uživanju Älovekovih pravic, ogrožajo socialni in gospodarski razvoj vseh držav ter spodkopavajo globalno stabilnost in blaginjo. Verski terorizem je prevzel vodilno vlogo ogrožanja sodobne varnosti, saj se verski fanatiki poslužujejo teroristiÄnih dejanj, da bi dosegli lažne cilje svete vojne.
Belgia - Maroko – Wynik meczu i relacja na żywo - 2022-11-27
Another important road connecting the region Pomoravlje with the southern parts of the province of Dalmatia was the road Naissus-Lissus. TA section leding to Macedonia and the harbour of Thessalonica over Scupi branched from it south of Naissus: Ad Herculem, Hammeum Ad Fines, Vindenae and Vicianum. From Vicianum station (VuÄitrn one section ran towards Lissus and another towards Scupi. Throughout the Timok valley stretched one of the most important roads (Naissus-Ratiaria that linked Naissus and the central Balkan areas with the region of Podunavlje (the Danube basin.
[Telewizja na żywo>>>] Maroko Chorwacja gledaj na żywo 24
The knowledge gained in academic education should be redesigned through continuing education to meet the complexity and diversity of situations that need representative pedagogical interventions, so this study investigated how the VLE, the virtual learning training in the course for capacitating teachers at Distance Education might bring a new concept for this mode of education in the process of continuous training of teachers. Thus, goals, actions and procedures were drawn to address these methodological issues.
There is limited data comparing the long-term dialysis adequacy delivered with permanent catheters vs arterio-venous vascular accesses (AVA). To explore this problem, we conducted a prospective 24-month trial comparing the flow performances and dialysis dose (Kt/Vdp) deliveries of both access options in a group of 42 haemodialysis patients during two study phases. During the first 12 months the patients completed a treatment period by means of permanent dual silicone catheters (DualKT). Then they were transferred to an AVA (40 native arterio-venous fistulas and two PTFE grafts) and monitored for an additional 12-month period.
O desenvolvimento do conteúdo educacional, gráfico e audiovisual do Cybertutor contou com o auxÃlio de um geneticista do HRAC/USP e de informações cientÃficas disponibilizadas em livros, artigos, teses e dissertações nacionais e internacionais. O Cybertutor foi disponibilizado na plataforma do Projeto Jovem Doutor (http://www. jovemdoutor. org. br/jdr/ pela equipe técnica da DTM/FMUSP. RESULTADOS: o Cybertutor elaborado possibilitou estruturar o conteúdo educacional, gráfico e audiovisual em tópicos, inserir questões de reforço, lista de discussão e verificar o desempenho dos alunos.
Izvajalci teroristiÄnih dejanj teh ne dojamejo kot konec svojega ž... O AVA: UM RECURSO PARA FORMAÃÃO CONTINUADA DOS PROFESSORES Denise Ivana de Paula Albuquerque Full Text Available The nature of pedagogical work requires domain of specific instructions in various fields of knowledge, in this sense the new languages and technologies are remarkable, considering the different aspects of teaching.
According to modern scholars, the urban settlement on the right bank of the Nišava was preceded by a small native village (vicus, which was important for the erection of the town fortifications. Numerous roads were linking Naissus with the surrounding regions and villas in the county side. We learn about them on the basis of epigraphic and archaeological material milestones and remains of roads, but also on the basis of the location of the necropolises, which in the classical period often sprang up near the suburban roads.
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